速報APP / 健康塑身 / Total Access Research Network

Total Access Research Network





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Total Access Research Network(圖1)-速報App

TOTAL ACCESS RESEARCH NETWORK (patient app)Total Access RN is a mobile research app. Instead of having to go to the clinic for their study follow up visits, study patients can now see their research physician (the Principle Investigator) or the research study team at the comfort of your own home anywhere, anytime.

Total Access Research Network(圖2)-速報App

This app uses real time solutions to see research patients. The app consists of an ediary which study patients answer questions regarding their overall health. It also has an ehealttracker where the study team can track the research patient’s vitals such as the temperature, blood pressure, ECG, fasting glucose, or whatever the study may require. It also consists of emessage where the study team can communicate with the research patient such as upcoming study follow up visits, instructions how to take study medications, patient reminders, etc.

The app also contains enotes which allows the pharmaceutical company and/or the study project team to put a copy of the protocol, protocol amendments, important memorandum, or any documents pertaining to the study into the app.

Most importantly, it has econsult where the research doctor and/or the study team can see the research patient directly using the app. Total Access RN makes it easy for the study patient to see the research team at the comfort of their own home.